Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Evaluating Teachers Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Evaluating Teachers Assignment - Essay Example Bearing in mind that Miss Paulson had received adequate points in her previous evaluation despite having some difficulty in managing classes goes to point out some issues in the evaluation that have to be addressed within the shortest time possible to avid the recurrence of some incidents as the one she was involved in. The officers responsible for evaluation have shown clearly that they are too lenient during their evaluation sessions. Secondly, there has been a poor teacher supervision structure, which led me to find Miss Paulson attending to individual students leaving the rest of the class unattended, which was also not reported. In this case, the state requires that teachers should be evaluated annually although tenured teachers can even be evaluated once in three years or a twice in a decade, in Ms Paulson’s case, evaluation was done within the stipulated timeframe by the law. In this case, a formal investigation is not necessary as such, incident has never been reported in the school; however, some form of internal (within the school) investigation must take place. Steps to be taken in investigating the incident Wednesday morning constitute an investigating panel Wednesday afternoon the panel to identify the students and staff to be interviewed Thursday morning interviewing of the students Thursday afternoon interviewing of staff members Friday morning Investigating panel meets to draw conclusion and finalise on the investigations. Friday afternoon the principal receives the finding of the Investigations and hands them over to the superintendent. Monday morning official communication from the school is received by the parent of Jessica Robertson The students and staff to be interviewed will be selected depending on their probability of having some information relating to the incident. Among those to be interviewed will be Jessica Robertson since she is the complainant and will provide insight on the incident, which involve the pornographic picture s in class. In addition, the class monitor will be interviewed as he is in charge of the class when the teacher is not around. Those on the front row of the class will also have to be among those to be interviewed since they may have seen who interfered with Miss Paulson’s computer. Miss Paulson will also be interviewed to give her side of the story and what happened on the material day and time; any other staff member who was responsible in setting up of the projector will also have to be interviewed to get the clear picture of all that happened. The interviews will be oral to enable the panel read the body language and will be conducted with utmost confidentiality to ensure the respondents open up on the incident. The panel will have to undergo an oath of secrecy before the district attorney to ensure confidentiality of all the information. Miss Paulson will continue to teach other classes and will not be subjected to any discrimination until investigations are complete Sin ce the investigation will be done internally, any correspondence with the media and community will be done by the principal so as to avoid any form of miscommunication or misstatement. 2.) Evaluation of the conduct of professionals needs to be understood from the activities in which they engage themselves and the manner in which they carry themselves out in performing their duties. This means that any activity of a professional has to be

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